nyu ambassadors
Every year, members of the acclaimed NYU Debate Team serve as "NYU Ambassadors."
One NYU student is paired with each team. Among other things, the Ambassadors are able to share with each team information about participating in college debate.
The IPPF would not be possible without the support of the entire NYU Debate Team, whose members evaluate hundreds of essays throughout the year.
Pictured are the 2024 NYU Ambassadors.

Nicole is a second-year student and Presidential Honors Scholar at NYU studying Classical Civilizations with a minor in Public Policy & Management. She served as assistant coordinator for the IPPF this year. This is her second year on the team, and she scored victories this season, winning the University of Minnesota Championships and the Intramural Championships. She has been involved in policy debate since high school.

Shreeram is a second-year student studying Philosophy and Computer Science at NYU. Originally from the Bay Area, he spent four years competing in Lincoln Douglas, which brought him to NYU's policy debate team. He's competed with a variety of partners, most recently attending the NDT and winning the Gotham Debates as the first seed and top speaker. In his free time, Shreeram loves contributing to open-source software, tinkering with technology, and experimenting in the kitchen.

Thomas is a senior studying economics and mathematics at NYU with a minor in philosophy. Having lived in Taiwan and at the Mexican border, Thomas loves to travel and discuss global economic issues. His passion for energy aids him in working with the oil and gas team at the Australian investment bank Macquarie. Since joining the NYU CEDA team, Thomas has placed 5th and 9th at ADA Nationals and Novice/JV National while making elims at 8 out of his first 8 tournaments. He is the team president.

Nicole is a second-year student and Presidential Honors Scholar at NYU studying Classical Civilizations with a minor in Public Policy & Management. She served as assistant coordinator for the IPPF this year. This is her second year on the team, and she scored victories this season, winning the University of Minnesota Championships and the Intramural Championships. She has been involved in policy debate since high school.